by Tutku Ünlü


Webflow education template



Branding, User Interface

A Webflow template I created for people who want to build educational websites without the hassle. Everything is packed inside the Webflow file, making both design & development seamless.



makes it easy to create beautiful, functional educational websites. Designed for educators and course creators, it simplifies the process so you can focus on delivering great content to your students.

Understanding Challenges

Understanding user needs, designing flexible layouts, and building an all-in-one solution in Webflow that simplifies both design and development for educators.

Understanding User Needs

I began by digging into what these users actually need—a template that’s both easy to use and customizable.

Designing with Simplicity in Mind

The wireframes emphasized modular blocks, allowing users to easily mix and match sections like landing pages, course overviews, and pricing tables for flexible customization.

Creating Ready-to-Use Sections

I designed sections like hero areas, testimonials, and course layouts that can be used together or alone, letting users quickly build a polished website.

My Approach

Coursesnap shines with easy customization, ready-to-use sections, and seamless Webflow integration

20 Pre-Built Pages

Everything from homepage to blog posts is ready to go.

25+ Flexible Sections

Mix and match headers, footers, testimonials, and more to create unique layouts.

Easily Customizable Styles & Symbols

Everything is designed to be tweaked without much effort, so even beginners can make the template their own.

The Design Process

Solving the user pain points

Flexibility Without the Overwhelm

One major issue I saw was users struggling to make rigid templates fit their needs. Coursesnap’s modular approach lets them easily swap sections and styles, making customization simple and stress-free.

Responsive and Accessible by Default

I paid close attention to making sure the template looks great on all devices and is easy to navigate for everyone. Accessibility and responsiveness were baked in from the start.

A Closer Look

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the components that bring the Coursesnap to life.

Coursesnap isn’t just another template—it’s designed to empower course creators and educators to launch beautiful, functional websites without the usual headaches. By focusing on flexibility, ease of use, and a smooth design experience, I made sure even those with minimal design skills can achieve a professional-looking site.