by Tutku Ünlü


AI-Powered persona creation platform




Branding, User Interface

Sindarin is an advanced AI tool that helps businesses create custom support personas for instant chat and voice responses.


My role,

was to design a user-friendly website and dashboard that showcase Sindarin’s features and make it easy for businesses to build and manage their own AI personas.

Understanding Challenges

Sindarin’s biggest challenge was finding a way to explain two things clearly: how businesses can build their own personas and how these AI personas can be used as instant customer support.

Client’s Vision

The Sindarin team wanted to offer businesses a tool for creating AI personas to handle customer support via voice and chat. The goal was to allow users to design these personas with either custom code or a no-code interface.

User Pain Points

The biggest challenge was ensuring that AI could be easily used by businesses of all sizes, regardless of their technical know-how. We needed the dashboard to be friendly and intuitive for both tech-savvy developers and those with no technical background.

My Approach

Shaping a user-friendly experience for everyone.

Defining the User Experience

We worked on mapping out intuitive user flows, ensuring that each group had a smooth experience, from sign-up to persona deployment. The goal was to make the platform feel seamless regardless of the user’s technical expertise.

The Design Process

The design process for Sindarin was all about blending functionality with user-friendly aesthetics.


We started by sketching out ideas and wireframes to keep things simple and easy to navigate. The goal was to make the dashboard and website intuitive, offering clear steps for beginners while still giving tech-savvy users the advanced tools they need.

High-Fidelity Design

After multiple design iterations, the final version was implemented with a focus on delivering a smooth user experience that meets the diverse needs of Sindarin’s target users.

A Closer Look

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the components that bring Sindarin to life.

From wireframing to final implementation, our approach centered on creating a seamless experience that aligned with Sindarin’s mission. This project allowed us to showcase how thoughtful design can make even complex AI tools accessible and user-friendly.