by Tutku Ünlü

Wells Clinic

UK-based healthcare provider


The Wells Clinic


Branding, UX/UI

The Wells Clinic is a UK-based healthcare provider that focuses on making it easy for people to access quality care.


They offer

both home visits and in-clinic services, allowing patients to book appointments at their convenience. I had the opportunity to work on their branding and website to help them deliver a seamless and reassuring experience.

Understanding Challenges

The Wells Clinic came to me with a few challenges:

Confusing Booking Experience

Patients often found it unclear and time-consuming to schedule appointments online.

Low Online Visibility

Their website wasn’t user-friendly or optimized for search engines, making it tough for new patients to find them.

Unclear Service Information

There wasn’t a clear way for patients to know what services were available or how they could access care—whether at home or in the clinic.

My Approach

We kicked off the project with thorough research to get to the heart of what both the clinic and its patients needed:

Competitor Research

We looked at other healthcare providers to identify what was working well in the industry and where The Wells Clinic could stand out.

Branding Workshop

We worked closely with the clinic’s team to define a brand identity that feels warm, professional, and trustworthy.

The Design Process

Here’s how we turned those insights into a tangible solution:


We crafted a fresh, modern logo and a soothing color palette that communicated trust and care. The visual identity was rolled out consistently across the website and print materials to build recognition.

Designing the Website

The wireframes and prototypes focused on simplicity—clear navigation and straightforward content that makes it easy for users to find what they need.

Streamlined Booking System

We integrated a user-friendly booking flow that allows patients to schedule appointments in just a few clicks.

A Closer Look

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the components that bring The Wells Clinic to life.

This project was about turning The Wells Clinic’s digital presence into a cohesive, welcoming platform. By solving branding and user experience challenges, we made it easier for patients to access care and helped the clinic stand out for both quality and convenience. Designing with empathy truly made a difference here, especially in healthcare.